We have recently noticed a large increase in enquiries relating to underperforming or non functioning Solar Panel installations.
Many people don’t notice their installation has stopped generating until they go to read the generation meter, and notice the display reading has not increased.
There are many components on a Solar Installation, and this failure can be down to something simple, such as a faulty MC4 connection, a reset required on the inverter, to something a little more involved such as a replacement inverter being required.
Whilst on these call outs we have also noticed some very poor Solar PV installations, with deviations from the MCS guide and poor installation practices.
Many installers are on a price and have to use what they have on the van to get the job done.
We are experienced in repairing and maintenance on all brands of inverters for your home and business, carrying out inverter replacements on a domestic 4kW system, to a commercial 3 phase 15kW system.
Working with many suppliers and manufacturers we can pick the right components required for your existing installation.
We can carry out an assessment of your installation, and provide you with a report on any issues found, and how the issue can be rectified.
If you are experiencing issues with your Solar Installation, please give CS Electrical a call today on 07976387584 to discuss how we can get you back online and generating again.